Question and Answer

Haven’t found an answer to your question on the website? Maybe it is listed under frequently asked questions? If not, please contact your GGD.

Do you need a certificate stating there are no radiological sign of tuberculosis? For example, for your employer or for travel abroad? Please contact the GGD per email.

Ask your doctor/ general practitioner for a referral. With this referral you can make an appointment by sending an email to the tuberculosis department of the GGD.

Don’t you have a doctor/ general practitioner to refer you then you can call or send an email to the tuberculosis department of your GGD.

Sometimes it is necessary to request additional medical information form another medical institutes/ doctors. Such as a chest x ray, medical files or laboratory result. You might be asked to sign a information sharing request form.

Tuberculosis testing, consultation and treatment is partly free of charge. Below more information about costs and refunding. The tuberculosis department of the GGD will charge your health insurance and depending on the kind of investigation you might have to pay your insurance. Our charges/ tariffs are according to the Dutch Healthcare authority Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit .For more information contact you healthcare insurance or read your insurance policy .

For children under 18 years all medical costs are covered by the health insurance.

The tariffs for the investigations are as follows:



Mantoux (Tuberculin skintest)

€ 47,00

Chest x ray

€ 65,00


€ 105,00

Travel consultation

€ 32,00


€ 74,00


€ 104,00

At GGD Haaglanden & GGD Rotterdam you can only pay by debit card.
At GGD Hollands Midden you can also pay cash, however debit card payment is preferred.

For the treatment of tuberculosis, it is important for the healthcare workers at the tuberculosis department to have complete information about their patient. This includes

Personal information including BSN (Civil Service Number) and medical information about the investigations conducted.

This information will be stored in a national electronic patient file accessible to the tuberculosis departments of the GGD’s in the Netherlands. Thus, making the information accessible to all medical professionals nationwide involved in the consultation. Regarding your medical information the health professionals of the tuberculosis department of the GGD are obligated to work according to the current privacy laws.

For more information see our disclaimer 

The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) in cooperation with the tuberculosis department and the KNCV collects, analyses and reports epidemiological data about tuberculosis in the Netherlands.

Client rights
The client has the right to:

  1. See his/ her medical file.
  1. Correct or add information to his/ her file.
  2. Object to medical information sharing.
  3. Request medical file transfer.
  4. End a treatment agreement.
  5. Have all information removed from his/ her file.


You can fill in a form available at the tuberculosis department of your GGD.

Medical professionals such as general practitioners and physicians and other healthcare workers can make use of a direct consultation with one of our tuberculosis doctors by using the direct doctor number, or send an email to the TB department.

GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond: +316 129 15 147
GGD Haaglanden: +316 500 83 581

NOTE: Questions from clients are not answered via this telephone number.

Tuberculosis is a notifiable disease in the group B1 diseases according to the public health care law.

The public health care law states that all case of tuberculosis should be reported within one working day by the doctor who diagnosed the patient and/or the head of the laboratory finding the positive test result.

The doctor diagnosing tuberculosis notifies the nurse or doctor of the tuberculosis department of the GGD. The patient details are reported in the electronic national patient file as well as the in the database managed by the RIVM. The RIVM surveillance information system provides epidemiological data to the CIb (Dutch Centre of Disease Control)